118 Anton Kraly


On the show today I interview, Anton Kraly. Anton is the founder and CEO of Drop Ship Lifestyle & E-commerce Lifestyle. He focuses on empowering people through eCommerce and better marketing. 

I also want to mention a great book I’m reading called Primary Greatness by Stephen R. Covey.

It has awesome takeaways that will help you be even more successful with people.

Pick up a copy by clicking here.

And as a thank you for listening to today’s show you can get this book for free by clicking the FREE BOOK tab on our website at Entreneato.com  and as always thank you to our friends at Audible for making it possible! 

Lastly a quick reminder, we’d love for you to consider supporting the show through Patreon. For more info check out our Patreon Page and don’t forget to comment, rate and subscribe on iTunes to help the show move forward. 

Now onto the interview!