115 Michele Williams

On the show today I talk with Masterminder and Enneagram 7, Michele Williams!

Michele runs an awesome mastermind for women which you can check out at bvumastermind.com.

I also want to mention a great new book I’m reading called Procrastinate on Purpose by Rory Vaden. 

You can purchase a physical copy or download the audiobook for free by heading to Entreneato.com and clicking on the FREE BOOK tab at the top of the page thanks to our friends at Audible.

Huge thank you to Chad and Katie for making this episode possible by giving me one of their MacBook Air’s!

Make sure to check out Katie’s work on instagram and hire her if you live in the Columbus, OH area! 


And as always we’d love for you to consider supporting the show through Patreon or a sponsorship with your company for more info check out our Patreon Page or leave your info at Entreneato.com

Thank you for listening and now on to todays’s interview!