Welcome to Entreneato! On today’s show we have an awesome interview with Brandon Voss, from the Black Swan Group! 

Brandon is the son of former FBI negotiator Chris Voss and is the thought leader at Black Swan regarding negotiator types. He has made it his mission to teach clients how to identify the basic types of negotiators and has developed a methodology for dealing with each type in the most successful way.

For more info on Brandon’s work and The Black Swan Group

Text FBIEMPATHY to 28228 and check out their website at:


I also want to take a second to mention a great book I just finished called The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni. 

Buy the Ideal Team Player on Amazon!


The Ideal Team Player presents a powerful framework and easy-to-use tools for identifying, hiring and developing ideal team players in any kind of organization. Whether you’re a leader striving to create a culture of teamwork, a human resources professional looking to hire real team players or an employee wanting to make yourself an invaluable team member, this book will prove to be as practical as it is compelling.

You can get Patrick’s book for free by going to Entreneato.com and clicking the Free Book tab at the top of the screen. 

Thank you again for listening and if you are enjoying the show consider supporting us through our Dollar Challenge on Patreon or by leaving a written review on iTunes! 

Now onto our interview with Brandon!