102 Gregory Gray

Our guest this week is Gregory Gray from Gray Solutions and we discuss ‘How To Develop Your Vision Story’. Here’s more info on their company: 

We Coach, Educate and Inspire...
CEO's, Executives and Business Owners to achieve freedom of time, money and purpose, while removing chaos and overwhelm from your business. We do this together through focus and clarity on the priorities of a highly developed Vision Story and Strategy. Together, we will build an incredible culture, dynamic leaders and powerful teams.  We also systematize the business through processes to create sustainability. The end result is a predictable and growing business with a lifestyle you desire. 

For more info On Gregory and his company check out:



Caught Between A Dream And A Job: How to Leave the 9 to-5 Behind and Step Into the Life You've Always Wanted

As a thank you for listening to the show you can get this book for free by clicking this link or going to Entreneato.com and clicking on the FREE BOOK tab at the top of the screen!