Click the podcast player button above to listen or subscribe to the show on iTunes.

After years of contributing to the profession of small firm architecture through my weekly post here at the blog, my weekly newsletter and at the Entrepreneur Architect Podcast, I wanted to make Entrepreneur Architect even more interactive; even more influential. I wanted to create a place where small firm architects could go to learn directly, face to face, from one another. I wanted a place where I could invite experts on specific topics of success in business, leadership and life to meet with us and teach us the fundamentals of success.

So… this past summer, I launched Entrepreneur Architect Academy.

Each week, dozens of small firm architects, members of Entrepreneur Architect Academy come together on a private GoToMeeting video conference. We have become fiends and we actively work to help one another become successful.

I have learned so much from these people and so much from the experts who join us.

Recently, the topic of our weekly meeting was Partnerships and I invited our friend from Episode 12 of the podcast, Rena Klein, to join us. We had a great discussion and we learned what it takes to enjoy a successful small firm partnership.

This week on the Entrepreneur Architect Podcast, I want to share what we learned.

This week, I share 7 Truths of a Successful Small Firm Partnership.


Please review this podcast on iTunes.

Referenced in this Episode

RM Klein Consulting

The Architect’s Guide to Small Firm Management: Making Chaos Work for Your Small Firm

Episode 012: How Business Consultants Will Help Small Firm Architect Build Better Businesses

Entrepreneur Architect Academy

Share Your Thoughts

What are your thoughts on partnerships? Did I forget anything? Do you disagree with my “truths”?

What are your “truths” for a successful partnership?


Photo Credit: Shutterstock / Greg Epperson

The post EA064: 7 Truths of Successful Small Firm Partnerships [Podcast] appeared first on

Click the podcast player button above to listen or subscribe to the show on iTunes.

After years of contributing to the profession of small firm architecture through my weekly post here at the blog, my weekly newsletter and at the Entrepreneur Architect Podcast, I wanted to make Entrepreneur Architect even more interactive; even more influential. I wanted to create a place where small firm architects could go to learn directly, face to face, from one another. I wanted a place where I could invite experts on specific topics of success in business, leadership and life to meet with us and teach us the fundamentals of success.

So… this past summer, I launched Entrepreneur Architect Academy.

Each week, dozens of small firm architects, members of Entrepreneur Architect Academy come together on a private GoToMeeting video conference. We have become fiends and we actively work to help one another become successful.

I have learned so much from these people and so much from the experts who join us.

Recently, the topic of our weekly meeting was Partnerships and I invited our friend from Episode 12 of the podcast, Rena Klein, to join us. We had a great discussion and we learned what it takes to enjoy a successful small firm partnership.

This week on the Entrepreneur Architect Podcast, I want to share what we learned.

This week, I share 7 Truths of a Successful Small Firm Partnership.


Please review this podcast on iTunes.

Referenced in this Episode

RM Klein Consulting

The Architect’s Guide to Small Firm Management: Making Chaos Work for Your Small Firm

Episode 012: How Business Consultants Will Help Small Firm Architect Build Better Businesses

Entrepreneur Architect Academy

Share Your Thoughts

What are your thoughts on partnerships? Did I forget anything? Do you disagree with my “truths”?

What are your “truths” for a successful partnership?


Photo Credit: Shutterstock / Greg Epperson

The post EA064: 7 Truths of Successful Small Firm Partnerships [Podcast] appeared first on EntreArchitect // Small Firm Entrepreneur Architects.

Mentioned in this episode:

Gabl Membership