During my interview with a potential client, I answer many questions. Most are very similar; How much will it cost? How long will it take? Are you available to start right away? Do you have any references?

You know all the questions they learn to ask from their favorite shows on HGTV.

Another question that I'm often asked is, Do you build the project too? And like a good architect, I would explain the difference between architects and contractors and politely say, No. Architects design the project. Contractors build them.

Then, about five or six years ago, I changed my answer.

We sure do. I would say.

In this episode of the Entrepreneur Architect Podcast, I am going to show you how to more than double your fee on your very next project by providing Architect-Led Construction Management Services. It may sounds like a lot of work and a bit overwhelming and scary, but trust me its not. Stay with me and I will show you how.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ra2studio

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