David Zach is a Futurist. I don't know about you, but before meeting David at AIAS Forum in Chicago, I thought Futurism was the creation of science fiction writers. But in fact, David Zach is a professional Futurist.

David is a full time speaker and has given more than 1500 presentation over the past 27 years. He was a member of the board of directors for AIA National and has a personal passion for the future of architecture.

This is an action packed episode of the Entrepreneur Architect Podcast. We talked about so much, from future trends in architecture to how to get started as a public speaker. He recites quotes, gives great advice and recommends a bunch of videos, books and websites, so you are going to want to visit the show notes for this one posted below.

I really enjoyed speaking with David. I hope this one gets you thinking.


Contact David

David’s Website

David on Twitter

David’s YouTube Channel

Topics Discussed in This Week’s Show

The Futurist Magazine
University of Houston, Masters of Studies of the Future
Johnson Controls, Milwaukee, WI
David's journey to become a proclaimed public speaker
Future trends, as well as traditions
Architect Cindy Frewen Wuellner, Kansas City Futurist
AIAS Forum 2013
The future of architecture
How David was invited to be a member of the Board of Directors for AIA National
“Architects are futurists
Citizen Architects
Fear that the future of architecture will be boring.
Alain de Botton, confused private imperative.
the effect of 3D printing on the future of architecture
The freedom to fail leading to success
The path to freedom is entrepreneurism
Earl Nightingale
Every architect must be an entrepreneur
Maia Small, Architects of Other Things blog
Permission to explore alternatives to traditional practice
What Color Is Your Parachute?” target=”_blank”>What Color is Your Parachute? (book) by Richard Bolles
Collaboration throughout the profession of architecture
Sharing and being transparent in architecture
Presentation Skills for Architects
Ada Rose Mancusi
Public Speaking
First steps to become a public speaker
Toastmasters International
National Speakers Association
Garr Reynolds, Author

David Zach is a Futurist. I don't know about you, but before meeting David at AIAS Forum in Chicago, I thought Futurism was the creation of science fiction writers. But in fact, David Zach is a professional Futurist.

David is a full time speaker and has given more than 1500 presentation over the past 27 years. He was a member of the board of directors for AIA National and has a personal passion for the future of architecture.

This is an action packed episode of the Entrepreneur Architect Podcast. We talked about so much, from future trends in architecture to how to get started as a public speaker. He recites quotes, gives great advice and recommends a bunch of videos, books and websites, so you are going to want to visit the show notes for this one posted below.

I really enjoyed speaking with David. I hope this one gets you thinking.


Contact David

David’s Website

David on Twitter

David’s YouTube Channel

Topics Discussed in This Week’s Show

The Futurist Magazine
University of Houston, Masters of Studies of the Future
Johnson Controls, Milwaukee, WI
David's journey to become a proclaimed public speaker
Future trends, as well as traditions
Architect Cindy Frewen Wuellner, Kansas City Futurist
AIAS Forum 2013
The future of architecture
How David was invited to be a member of the Board of Directors for AIA National
“Architects are futurists
Citizen Architects
Fear that the future of architecture will be boring.
Alain de Botton, confused private imperative.
the effect of 3D printing on the future of architecture
The freedom to fail leading to success
The path to freedom is entrepreneurism
Earl Nightingale
Every architect must be an entrepreneur
Maia Small, Architects of Other Things blog
Permission to explore alternatives to traditional practice
What Color Is Your Parachute?” target=”_blank”>What Color is Your Parachute? (book) by Richard Bolles
Collaboration throughout the profession of architecture
Sharing and being transparent in architecture
Presentation Skills for Architects
Ada Rose Mancusi
Public Speaking
First steps to become a public speaker
Toastmasters International
National Speakers Association
Garr Reynolds, Author
Presentation Zen (book)
Nancy Duarte, Author
slide:ology (book)
Jeremy Donovan, Author
How to Deliver a TED Talk (book)
How to Design TED Worthy Presentation Slides (book)
1500 talks
Stephen Covey
Tips on how to get noticed as a public speaker
Full time speaker for 27 years
Crafting stories in architecture
Entrepreneur Architect Podcast episode on Storytelling
The one trend to which small firm architects should pay attention
The power of the internet to equalize the playing field for small firm architects
Sign up for the Entrepreneur Architect Academy Pre-Launch List

The post EA018: David Zach is a Futurist [Podcast] appeared first on EntreArchitect // Small Firm Entrepreneur Architects.

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