En el episodio 71 del podcast de Entre Dev y Ops hablaremos sobre el proyecto Open Source Lura Project.
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Enlaces comentados:
Podcast 62: KrakenD - https://www.entredevyops.es/podcasts/podcast-62.html
Lura Project - https://luraproject.org/
Linux Foundation - https://linuxfoundation.org/
Apache Foundation - https://www.apache.org/
CNCF - https://www.cncf.io/
AsyncAPI - https://www.asyncapi.com/
Oracle Identity and Access Management - https://www.oracle.com/security/identity-management/
Microsoft - https://www.microsoft.com/
Adevinta - https://www.adevinta.com/
Letgo - https://www.letgo.com/
Newrelic - https://newrelic.com/
Ebay - https://www.ebay.com/
GitHub: Exploring the dependencies of a repository - https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/code-security/supply-chain-security/understanding-your-software-supply-chain/exploring-the-dependencies-of-a-repository
Lura Project v2.0.1 - https://github.com/luraproject/lura/releases/tag/v2.0.1
KrakenD - https://www.krakend.io/
KrakenD Soporte - https://www.krakend.io/support/

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