This week on the Ento Nation podcast…

We have a chat with Jarrod Goldin, CEO of Entomo Farms, which is pretty much the largest human grade cricket farming operation in the world. I just love these Goldin Brothers, they got it goin’ on when it comes to cricket farming! Been a big fan of theirs and have followed them for years, long before they became Entomo Farms the Future of Food. When it comes to cricket farming, these guys know what they’re doing, and they are always innovating and farming on the cutting edge. The Cricket Man loves that stuff! We have an insightful chat with Jarrod. You don’t want to miss it.

Also on Episode 2, lots of fun in the Cricketlicious Café! ChefPV serves up a pancake breakfast, Ento-style and in his own special ChefPV way.

We also have an interview with one of the founders of a beloved human grade cricket farm that has recently closed their doors. We find out who that is. We also find out that sometimes, business isn’t so much about success and failure as it is about learning, growing, and finding your true destiny.

And on “As the Cricket’s Chirp”, will Chip heed his twin brother, who is back from the dead, and give in to his demand? Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode, sponsored by Von’s Cricket Emporium and Billy Bob’s Cricket Extravaganzamart.

Don’t miss this week’s episode of the Ento Nation podcast, with the Cricket Man.

This is the URL link to our podcast on iTunes, please subscribe, download, review, and rate our podcast at iTunes. It is how they determine which podcasts to feature, and getting featured means more listeners, and more listeners means we can further spread the important message of the Ento Nation:


Today’s Cricketlicious Café Recipe:

Crickcakes (makes 10 small crickcakes)

3 cups Spinach

2 TBSP Maple Syrup

½ cup Hemp Milk

1 Egg

1 TBSP Baking Powder

1 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt

¼ cup Entomo Farms Organic Gluten Free Cricket Powder

¾ cup All Purpose Gluten-Free Flour

Berries/Fruit for topping

Maple Syrup for topping

Add Spinach, Maple Syrup, Hemp Milk, Egg, Baking Powder and Salt to blender and blend until smooth. Add Cricket Powder and All Purpose Gluten Free Flour.  Blend until Smooth. Place a nonstick pan over low heat and let the pan heat thoroughly. Pour batter in pan according to desired crickcake size and flip once it is cooked through (bubbles will form on the top). Cook about 1-minute more on the other side and repeat until all batter is used. Plate the crickcakes and serve with Maple Syrup and Fresh Fruit.

Ento Events:

The Butterfly’s Ball and the Grasshopper’s Feast:

Napa Valley Film Festival which includes the film: “The Gateway Bug”:

Cooking With Critter’s hosted by Aly Moore:

We’d like to thank our sponsors:

Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, editor of “Insects as Sustainable Food Ingredients”:

GrioPro Cricket Powder:

All Things Bugs:

Entomo Farms:







Books Referenced