Hello and welcome to Enter VR!

On this episode I speak with Azad Balabanian, a VR researcher at University of California at Santa Cruz. Azad and I talked about finding where the feeling of presence comes from inside the brain, lessons learned in the realm of VR user experience design, body ownership and much more!

Thanks to Azad for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Follow up with Azad and check out links to some of things we talked about below:


Leap Motion Dragonly AR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxM4vN_4jJY

Child Body size over estimation http://www.pnas.org/content/110/31/12846.abstract

body language, space taking, and confidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-_Mh1QhMc

Proteus effect https://vhil.stanford.edu/pubs/2007/yee-proteus-effect.pdf

emotional intelligence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence

Thanks again to James Blaha for letting me use his 'Clubbed to death remix'.

Check out the song on his soundcloud page:


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