Hello and welcome to another installment of the Enter VR podcast! On this episode I hang out with Aaron Lemke, Founder at Unello Design and all around scholar and gentleman of the proto metaverse. Come along as we dive into conversation about VR deving and some other loosely tan genial subjects to VR.

1:00 Getting a proper Audio metronome to work in Unity?

1:10 What is Unity good and bad at?

2:50 12 hour work days will ruin your posture.

5:00 Can standing desks be bad for you ?

6:10 Wearing an HMD while walking on a treadmill?

7:30 VR developers on the side walk eating tacos.

10:40 This podcast is not sponsored by anyone and all the views reflect my own opinions or the opinions Incepted into my mind via subliminal messages.

11:30 Going to the Unity Vision Summit.

13:00 "We're all optimists about this technology".

13:30 Altruism Vs. Profit.

I actually like Buzzfeed blue. Buzzfeed is the phenomena of supply demand in the exchange digital media. How do you make money with media companies these days? How does technology reflect our human nature?

18:00 Everything in life is on a spectrum.

18:33 I need a new catch phrase.

20:00 We want to be productive in VR!

21:30 Dreams by Media Molecule has got us hyped.

23:00 Turning the obstacles of VR into business opportunities.

25:30 I wouldn't mind owning a Nintendo Dolphin.

27:20 People want to escape reality? Why do we want to escape reality?

28:38 Elegant is probably not right term.

30:10 The rise of a new jock mentality through e-sports?

32:00 Lorne Michaels please buy our idea!

33:40 http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/11/we-need-an-energy-miracle/407881/

36:00 Transcending the self through nature.

38:00 Aaron is working on something awesome for the Vive.

40:10 Aaron is playing a lot of Tiltbrush and Fantastic Contraption on the Vive. http://fantasticcontraption.com/

42:00 Pewdiepie played Aaron's game.



44:00 Swarm hiveminds could counteract the power of AI?

45:00 Read the Metarmorphosis of Prime Intellect. Spoiler alert!!!!

46:00 How long before we fight the first robot war?

47:10 Rick and Morty is amazing!

49:00 Taking Roy off the grid!

54:00 It's the year 15,219 and your government doesn't want you to know.

55:00 Sand hydraulics are bad ass.

56:00 Watch Tim's Vermir. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3089388/

58:00 Technology is eternally linked to art. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3204392/

1:03:00 Learning game development helps you appreciate nature.

1:07:00 People are very critical of real world environments in VR.

1:08:00 Lands End is pretty sweet on the Gear VR.

1:10:00 Will Apple ever make a VR product?

1:12:00 VR is taking too long to get here.

1:14:00 Creating a VR fetish island.

1:17:00 Can VR make you more violent?

1:18:00 Creating the next Metal Gear for VR.

1:21:00 Don't step on the lava vr.

1:26:00 Will we ever see haptic gloves?

1:27:00 Deep uses human breath as input.

1:31:00 Debating the best tracking solutions.

1:33:00 I'll be the last guy Oculus will ever hire btw.

1:36:00 Lighthouse will become Wifi in a utopian future.

1:38:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Aaron for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Keep in touch with Aaron with the links below:





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