Welcome to Enter VR. On this episode I catch up with Steve Drash the creator of Titans of Space and currently working with the Apollo 11 VR experience, VR Girlz and more!

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

1:30 Intro, Apollo 11 VR update. As of the posting of this episode they have won the award.

3:00 The google Cardboard version of Titans of Space ported over awesomely!

5:00 The latest download numbers for Titans of Space.

6:00 Was Steve anticipating his download numbers?

7:00 What's in store for the future of Titans of Space?

10:00 Is Steve motivated by the same things he was 2 years ago? Steve

12:00 Why its hard to monetize on your passion projects?

14:20 Steve involvement in the Apollo 11 experience.

17:00 Apollo 11 is targeting release Q1 2016.

18:00 VR Girls is an up and coming VR adult entertainment platform.

19:00 The competitive advantage of VR Girls.

20:30 VR Girls intends to make my penis freak out.

21:30 Experimenting with a paid app. (Mars is a real place)

24:00 What do you value more as a vr entrepreneur? Download numbers or sales?

26:00 Which of Steve's projects will draw in the most money? Which project is he most passionate about?

27:00 What does Steve wish he knew back when he first started getting involved in VR.

29:00 The bright side to staying frugal.

30:00 Mars has been on the news a lot lately. Titans Of Space

31:00 Is there way to collaborate with Nasa on this project?
Enceladus is a moon of Saturn

32:30 Could Titans of Space ever be social?

34:00 What does Steve do for fun these days?

35:00 What will take to get humans to Mars? Steve lays out his plan.

36:40 Do you need positional tracking on board a space ship on course to Mars.

37:00 Becoming a space tourist...in VR!

39:30 We're gonna need to make humans so that they can fight in the future robot war.

40:00 Steve's vision of an ideal future.

45:00 VR is a new vehicle for mind expansion. What are Steve's concern for this technology.

47:00 What will it mean to "work" in the next 25 years?

48:30 Accelerating the growth of the jobs of the future through VR?

50:00 Can you name 3 companies that will make a lot of money is 3 years?

51:00 Steve bets on Frooxius creating the Oasis.

52:00 360 films vs. in engine.

(I left this blooper on purpose)

53:30 Can anything stop VR at this point?

54:00 Getting feedback from teachers and researchers has been really rewarding for Steve.

Thanks again to Steve for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Stay in touch with Steve with all the links below:




