Hello listeners! Welcome to a special broadcast of the EnterVR podcast. Join us for a live panel with women doing amazing and inspiring things in the virtual reality industry.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about.

2:00 A word from our sponsor

3:00 Intro to the panel

7:00 What types experiences in VR is the panel looking forward to the most?

12:00 What is the relationship between the AR and VR industries? Which medium will be more predominant 5 years from now?

16:00 Is there a way to prevent mass isolationism through virtual reality?

23:00 The most natural input solution for the near term of virtual reality.

26:00 Controlling the Metaverse using your mind.

30:00 How does prolonged use of virtual reality affect our brains?

40:00 How to get people to come back to virtual reality? The two types of user interaction in VR.

47:00 Do we want more women in VR? How?

1:03:00 Do we need to design vr for women?

1:08:00 Why do women get more intense reactions from VR?

Thanks again to my panelist for being true scholars and ladies of virtual reality and thank you for listening.

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