They pride their selves on having fun with music, and extending happiness to as many people as they can. Challenging themselves to sing for good causes, and for good reasons and the most important one is to share as much joy of singing as they can. Whether it is in the Roundhouse, or at a hospice, or a pub or a concert hall - we try to share our enthusiasm for singing and they try to use song as the strongest possible 'happiness sharer' that they can.

And if you would like to sing- then please come and join us.  It's good for your head, your body, your families and friends- it's good for you as a whole. Singing with them will give you so much enjoyment.

Find out how they found themselves on the Chris Evans Breakfast Show on Radio 2, how did that come about, plus more about this man’s musical talents after turning his back on teaching.

It’s a great story.

Great Conversation with David and the team.