We return to the Delta Quadrant this week for a look at one of Trek's most affecting and poignant hours: "Remember"!

Author Dave Galanter is back on the show to discuss an episode of Star Trek: Voyager that has chilling parallels to the history of our own society, and one that bears the warning that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. B'Elanna Torres is experiencing dreams that turn from passionate to horrifying as she learns of the dark secret possessed by the seemingly benign aliens aboard Voyager. Can she convince her crew that the events she's seen are real? Or will they be forever forgotten by the people that deny them?

Over the course of the episode, we discuss Trek's roots in social allegory, the stark possibility of "it happening here", the culpability of the bystander, processing atrocity as a nation, the power of self-delusion, swearing off Volkswagen and aspirin, and how to keep secrets in a telepathic society.

Plus, we speculate on the logistics of a holonovel, talk some Discovery, question the practice of discussing sexy dreams with your boss, talk Janeway as the female Kirk, the legendary game of Harry Kim, Dave asks for a shorter Voyager theme, and Kal falls for the ready-whipped smile of actor Bruce Davison!

You're a player, Harry!

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Check out Dave's TOS novels "Troublesome Minds" and "Crisis of Consciousness"!

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