Dr. Alexander Lyon, PH.D., a professor of communication at SUNY Brockport and the co-author of the new book: Positive Communication for Leaders: Proven Strategies for … Read more

The post Want to Win Your People’s Loyalty and Up Your Leadership Game? Change How You Communicate appeared first on Top Entrepreneurs Podcast | Enterprise Podcast Network.

Dr. Alexander Lyon, PH.D., a professor of communication at SUNY Brockport and the co-author of the new book: Positive Communication for Leaders: Proven Strategies for Inspiring Unity and Effecting Change joins Enterprise Radio.

This episode of Enterprise Radio is on association with the Author Channel.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Dr. Alexander Lyon discuss the following:

What positive communication behaviors make the most difference for leaders?
Why is positive communication so critical for leaders?
How can you create a positive workplace environment for all?
How can you create a highly cohesive team?
How can you use the power of positive communication to effect real change?

Alexander Lyon, PH.D., is a professor of communication at SUNY Brockport and an author, consultant, and speaker specializing in leadership and workplace communication. For the last two decades, he’s consulted or spoken for the likes of Nike, Google, Visa, and the Center for Homeland Defense and Security. Lyon hosts the 490,000+ subscriber YouTube channel, Communication Coach Alex Lyon, and is the founder of Communication Coach Academy. Alex Lyon, PhD and Julien Mirivel, PhD. are co-authors of their new book: Positive Communication for Leaders: Proven Strategies for Inspiring Unity and Effecting Change (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; July 7, 2023).

Website: https://www.alexanderlyon.com

Social Media Links:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexlyoncommunicationcoach

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@alexanderlyon

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The post Want to Win Your People’s Loyalty and Up Your Leadership Game? Change How You Communicate appeared first on Top Entrepreneurs Podcast | Enterprise Podcast Network.