Remote working reduces worker distractions and increases productivity. If the company you work for hasn’t yet adopted a hybrid working model, expect them to do so soon.

The post Getting Into Work Mode When You’re New To Hybrid Working appeared first on Enterprise Podcast Network - EPN.

Remote working reduces worker distractions and increases productivity. If the company you work for hasn’t yet adopted a hybrid working model, expect them to do so soon. It’s predicted that by 2025, 70% of workers will split their working hours between the office and home. So, when you’re used to the formality of an office, how do you get into work mode when you’re at home?

Source: Pexels

Ease in gently

Harvard Business School reports that it’s best for hybrid workers to only spend one or two days per week in the office. If you’ve never worked from home before, it’s best to ease yourself in gently rather than doing four days from home straight away. Start with one day per week, then increase to two days, and so on. This will give you a chance to get used to working from home and help you settle into your new work space.

Prepare a suitable working area

39% of home workers say they’re most productive when they work in their home office. In comparison, just 18% say they’re productive working from their living rooms. To make the transition from office to home as easy as possible, set up a home office that replicates your office work desk as much as possible. Regardless of the space you have, a desk to work from is a must. You could buy one or use shelving inside a closet or a bookshelf for your laptop and files. A suitable work area in your home will help you get into the right headspace when it’s time to work and means you can stay organized.

Set ground rules

One of the biggest benefits of working from home is that you can avoid being disturbed by your colleagues. 80% of workers say chatty co-workers are a distraction in the workplace. To ensure working from home is a success, set ground rules with the people you live with. This could be that they don’t enter your home office during your working hours or they don’t put music or the TV on when you’re in a virtual meeting. You could even agree that they take your dog out when you’re on calls so meetings aren’t disturbed by your barking pooch.

More and more businesses are introducing hybrid working models. The transition from office to home can be a little tricky to start with, but these tips will make it a smoother and more successful process.

The post Getting Into Work Mode When You’re New To Hybrid Working appeared first on Enterprise Podcast Network - EPN.