Rising costs and stiffer competition are on the horizon. But getting more out of your team will not just increase your work flow but also your bottom line.

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Improving Staff Productivity

No longer just a 9-5 grind, the work/life balance is slowly drifting towards the wrong side as competition for promotion and a desire to succeed extend our hours. But a job is still just a job and looking for anyway to sneak back some life into your day needs to taken with both hands.

The best casino bonuses Canada has to offer can be found at https://new-casino.ca/bonus, and the best ways to improve staff productivity are right here. Because like a casino bonus, better productivity is the easiest way to get more bang from your buck. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

1. Be A Mentor

Being able to share all those experiences you’ve chalked up with your team is incredibly valuable. It’s a great way to ensure that everyone is on the same playing field whilst encouraging teamwork and trust. If an employee feels you’ll go that extra mile for them, they’ll certainly work that little bit harder for you.

Mentoring easily leads to a more engaging workplace and in turn, more interaction with your team. As that work/life balance slowly turns, having a job that people are proud of and a manager that inspires greatness will see less of a job and more of a career for your staff. Everyone craves more engagement, whether they know it or not.

2. The Right Tools for the Job

There’s no point taking a knife to a gunfight and there’s no point slaving for your boss if you’re pushing it up a hill. It used to be very black and white but as technology evolves at a more rapid pace, just knowing what the tools are can be tricky. Keeping not only up to date with how your team is progressing, but continually evaluating as many different aspects as possible, will help.

It can also help to encourage your team to approach you with new ideas about how their more specialised tasks can be completed. At the worst, you’ll just inspire further dedication to their job, but best scenario could see an overall more efficiently run outfit across the board. And nothing that inspires more communication can ever be bad.

3. Feedback

Communication is key to any good relationship and as time goes on, assuming is the downfall of many. Consistent talks with your employees to see what you can do to help them do their job will build trust and keep ideas on the table. It’s all too easy to fulfil the role of manager yourself and forget about the team that may have got you there.

Like reassuring people that you understand and appreciate their value is critical to productivity. But just make sure it’s constructive feedback that comes from the heart; no one likes to feel talked down to. Suggesting areas of improvement to an employee can easily backfire if not said with genuine interest. Praise at the right time is also very contagious and can easily rub off on inter-office peers.

4. Increase Peer Knowledge

Whether it’s merely having conversations in the break room or organising a team building day, if people know more about what makes their peers tick, you’ll benefit. You can’t force a friendship, but you can introduce more respect which is sometimes better in the long run.

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the professional 100% of the time and forget that we’re all individuals who crave bonding. Although we humans are wired to interact, office size, layout and even work schedules can be detrimental to our social behaviour. If it’s too hard to accomplish in the office, considering an out of work engagement is perfect to get those social juices flowing.

5. Be a Leader, Not a Boss

The best way to improve productivity is also the easiest; be someone you want them to be. By showing respect, interest and general niceness to your fellow workers you will instantly raise the overall feelings of joy in the office. And the more joy, the less they’ll hate turning up.

How can you ever expect people to go that extra mile for you if won’t go 10 metres for them? As the 9-5 fades into something more, employees that feel appreciated and respected will be more inclined to push a little more for you, so be someone worth giving up free time for!

The post Creative Ways to Improve Your Staff’s Productiveness appeared first on Enterprise Podcast Network - EPN.