Megan McGee is a co-founder of Ex Fabula. Ex Fabula strengthens community bonds through the art of storytelling. Ex Fabula is committed to diversity and hosts events throughout the city – from Bronzeville to Bay View and Westtown to Sherman Park.

Golden nuggets:

Find the playful things in life

Carve time out to do fun stuff

It’s OK to fail

Perspective is not permanent

Keys to success:

Understand that success is different for everyone

Question assumptions

Don’t get founder syndrome

Actionable tip:

Think about why people might be afraid


“The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” – Walt Disney


Ex Fabula:

Megan McGee is a co-founder of Ex Fabula. Ex Fabula strengthens community bonds through the art of storytelling. Ex Fabula is committed to diversity and hosts events throughout the city – from Bronzeville to Bay View and Westtown to Sherman Park.

Golden nuggets:

Find the playful things in life
Carve time out to do fun stuff
It’s OK to fail
Perspective is not permanent

Keys to success:

Understand that success is different for everyone
Question assumptions
Don’t get founder syndrome

Actionable tip:

Think about why people might be afraid


“The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” – Walt Disney


Ex Fabula: