Kwame Christian is the Director of the American Negotiation Institute where he conducts negotiation and conflict management workshops around the country.

He is the author of the best-selling book Nobody Will Play With Me: How to Use Compassionate Curiosity to Find Confidence in Conflict. Kwame also hosts the top negotiation podcast in the world, Negotiate Anything.

Golden nuggets:

Behind the greatest strength comes the greatest weakness

Face the truth about yourself

Appreciate the journey and the process

Keys to success:

Have clarity in what your passion is

Have clarity in what your why is

Get out of your own way

Actionable tip:

Read and educate yourself



"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston S. Churchill

Guest Information:

Kwame Christian

Kwame Christian is the Director of the American Negotiation Institute where he conducts negotiation and conflict management workshops around the country.

He is the author of the best-selling book Nobody Will Play With Me: How to Use Compassionate Curiosity to Find Confidence in Conflict. Kwame also hosts the top negotiation podcast in the world, Negotiate Anything.

Golden nuggets:

Behind the greatest strength comes the greatest weakness
Face the truth about yourself
Appreciate the journey and the process

Keys to success:

Have clarity in what your passion is
Have clarity in what your why is
Get out of your own way

Actionable tip:

Read and educate yourself


"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston S. Churchill

Guest Information:

Kwame Christian