We’re back for 2023 with Kito, Danno, and special guest Andres Almiray, Senior Principal Product Manager, Database group, to talk about the latest versions of Andres’ JReleaser tool, building CLIs in Java (picocli, JCommander, JCommander, Spring Boot, Quarkus, Micronaut), jban,, Jarviz, AI, whether or not Java is over the hill, http4s, and much more.

We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast!


Server Side Java
  – Accelerate Your Lambda Functions with Lambda SnapStart (https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-accelerate-your-lambda-functions-with-lambda-snapstart/)
  - Quarkus support for AWS Lambda SnapStart (https://quarkus.io/blog/quarkus-support-for-aws-lambda-snapstart/)

IDEs and Tools
 - JBang (https://www.jbang.dev/)
 - Writing CLIs in Java ()
   - picocli (https://github.com/remkop/picocli)
   - JCommander (https://jcommander.org/)
 - Frameworks that you can use to create CLIs
   - Spring Boot Console Apps (https://www.appsdeveloperblog.com/spring-boot-console-application/)
   - Quarkus Command Mode Apps (https://quarkus.io/guides/command-mode-reference)
   - Micronaut Command Line Applications (https://docs.micronaut.io/1.0.0.M4/guide/index.html#picocli)
 - Command Line Interface Guidelines (https://clig.dev/)

 - Microsoft, GitHub, and OpenAI ask court to throw out AI copyright lawsuit (https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/28/23575919/microsoft-openai-github-dismiss-copilot-ai-copyright-lawsuit)

 - v1.4.0 released on Dec 29 2022
   - Improved Maven deployment support
   - New FLAT_BINARY distribution
   - Threaded messages in Mastodon
   - Buildx support in Docker packager
   - New java-archiver
 - v1.5.0 (upcoming)
   - Environment variables and System properties support
   - New Linkedin announcer
   - New winget packager for NATIVE_PACKAGE distribution
   - Updates and deprecations to CLI flags
Jarvis (https://github.com/kordamp/jarviz)
 - Jarviz is a JAR file analyzer tool. You can obtain metadata from a JAR such as its manifest, manifest entries, bytecode versions, declarative services, and more.

 - Github changes checksum algorithm for source archives (https://github.blog/changelog/2023-01-30-git-archive-checksums-may-change/)
 - http4s (https://http4s.org/)

 - Versioning schemes:
   - ChronVer
   - Calver
   - SemVer
   - Java-Module / Java-Version

 - Tmux (https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki)
 - Charm.sh (https://charm.sh/)
 - GitHub - shyiko/jabba: (cross-platform) Java Version Manager (https://github.com/shyiko/jabba)
 - Snapcraft (https://snapcraft.io/)
 - OpenFein (https://github.com/OpenFeign/feign)

 - NixOS  (https://nixos.org/)
 - Neovim (https://neovim.io/)
 - Toot (https://toot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html)

Other Pubhouse Network podcasts
 - Breaking into Open Source (https://www.pubhouse.net/breaking-into-open-source)
 - OffHeap (https://www.javaoffheap.com/)
 - Java Pubhouse (https://www.javapubhouse.com/)

 - DevNexus 2023 - April 4-6, Atlanta, GA, USA (https://devnexus.com/call-for-papers)
 - JCON EUROPE 2023 - June 20-23, Cologne Köln, Germany (https://jcon.one/)
 - Gateway Software Symposium Mar 31 - Apr 1, 2023 (https://nofluffjuststuff.com/stlouis)
 - Pacific Northwest Software Symposium April 14 - 15, 2023 (https://nofluffjuststuff.com/seattle)
 - JPrime - May 30-31st, Sofia, Bulgaria (https://jprime.io/)
 - Central Iowa Software Symposium June 9 - 10, 2023 (https://nofluffjuststuff.com/desmoines)
 - Lone Star Software Symposium: Austin July 14 - 15, 2023 (https://nofluffjuststuff.com/austin)
 - ÜberConf July 18 - 21, 2023 (https://uberconf.com/)