Title: Software Architecture: The Hard Parts Description

In this episode, Kito, Ian, and Daniel welcome two distinguished guests: Neal Ford (Director, Software Architect, and Meme Wrangler at ThoughtWork) and Mark Richards (Independent Hands-on Software Architect, Published Author). They discuss all things related to software architecture, and their new book, Software Architecture: The Hard Parts. In addition to discussing the origin of the book and their prior book Fundamentals of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach, they talk about distributed architecture, microservices, containers, evolutionary architectures, refactoring databases, the object/relational impedance mismatch, bounded contexts, system contracts, reuse and rate of change, soft skills, data mesh, BFFs, and much more.

Links Amazon link to Software Architecture: The Hard Parts Mark’s site: DeveloperToArchitect.com Micro Frontends (Martin Fowler - 2019, Manning Book - 2020) Kito's slides (PDF) Model Mapper Picks LogCapture - testing log statements ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Sentry - frontend logging, performance monitoring, distributed tracing JDK 17 Zoom Invisible pens Screen sharing across rooms Events Eclipse Con Oct 25 - 28, 2021, virtual Uberconf Oct 5-8, 2021, Denver, CO, US or virtual JakartaOne LiveStream 2021 - Dec 7th, 2021 in US W-JAX Nov 8 – 12, 2021, Munich, Germany or virtual Progressive Web Experience Dec 5-8, 2021, Clearwater, FL, USA or virtual Jconf.dev Dec 8-10, 2021, Chicago, IL, USA or virtual Archconf Dec 13-16 jconf.dev Conference, 2021 - Clearwater, FL, USA or virtual CodeMash Jan 11-14, 2022 - Sandusky, OH Software Design and Development - May 16-20, 2022 - London, UK