We took the time to (virtually) ask Cagatay to join us and talk about COVID Dashboard, Deep Netts platform, and the news that GitHub Acquired NPM!

We also take the time to explore some of the Open Source COVID-19 efforts / dashboards and data, seeing how tech can help making sense of the pandemic.

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

COVID-19 Virus Tier Outbreak Dashboard Will we ever go back to the office? Could the pandemic usher in a new era of working from home? UI Tier Angular 9.1 Released PrimeVue 2.0.0-Rc.1 Released With PrimeIcons V4 PrimeNG 9.1.0: PrimeFaces Pandora PrimeFaces 8.0.1 Vue has moved to Adopt status in ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Spring boot 2.3.0 Quarkus-MyFaces Server Side Java MicroProfile GraphQL Panache - Simplified JPA Java Platform Java’s 25th Anniversary Misc Micronaut Data 1.0 Released GraalVM 20.1 NetBeans 12.0 beta 6 Picks AutoSleep - iOS JSF EL & Streams Micronaut Data Events NFJS JakartaOne LiveStream (May 12) Recordings JNatio - June 2nd (Virtual) Refactr.tech - Atlanta, GA - August 12-14, 2020 Dev.next - Broomfield, CO - August 11-14, 2020 (rescheduled) SpringOne (Sep 1st - Virtual) CodeOne - Las Vegas, NV - September 21–24, 2020 UI Architecture Conf / Web Accessibility Conf - November 19-20, 2020 (rescheduled) JakartaOne LiveStream Brazil - Aug 29 (Virtual) EclipseCon - October 20-22 (Virtual)