Primefaces is alive and kicking! now with PrimeTek UI Updates. Working with maps? then hear how Josh uses ArcGIS JS API.

Jakarta EE 8 has been released, and it's compatible with your usual suspects (Payara, Wildfly, OpenLiberty, and Eclipse GlassFish). We discussOracle's guidance for Jakarta EE 9, and we dive into the pain on javax namespace change coming up. Lastly we dive into the new JEPs targeted for JDK 14, including Valhalla and talked of new proposals like Sealed Types. We also talk about opinions on Oracle Code One, including GraalVM coverage.

Another great episode to keep abreast of the whole front-end and back-end, with "Stackd"!

We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode

UI Tier PrimeTek UI Updates AdminFaces Angular 9 scheduled for Oct/Nov Angular Extensions Elements ArcGIS JS API Single SPA Java EE/Jakarta EE Jakarta EE 8 Released
Server Compatibility: Payara, WildFly, Open Liberty, Eclipse GlassFish JakartaOne LiveStream - Sessions Recorded and Available Oracle has provided insight on their Jakarta EE 9 direction MicroProfile 3.1
HealthCheck and Metrics updates Platform


JDK 13 Released!
Release Notes


New OpenJDK Project

Project Lanai's aim to implement a new graphics rendering pipeline for MacOS.
Announcing the Duke Choice Awards Winners The seven winners of the Duke Choice Awards are:

jUnit (Developer Productivity Recognition) JavaBin (Ecosystem Enablement Recognition) CarePay (Healthcare Innovation Recognition) Jakarta EE (Open Source Contribution Recognition) Dataverse (University/Higher Education Recognition) Chris Thalinger (Community Recognition) Denver Java User Group: (Developer Learning Recognition)




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