In this webisode, we're talking to members of Cold Showers! We're "Vibing Out" as we talk cassette tapes, pop rocks and future plans for the band!

In this webisode, we’re talking to members of Cold Showers! We’re “Vibing Out” as we talk cassette tapes, pop rocks and future plans for the band!

A Letter Prepared By Chris:

Dear Friends,

On July 14, I was involved in a serious car accident. An uninsured motorist in a Ford F150 ran a red light and t-boned me, spinning my car almost 90 degrees, leaving me with a concussion, a back fracture, cervical muscular spasms, spondylosis – and very lucky to be alive.

I have estimated my costs related to this accident to be between $25,000-$30,000 (including immediate medical costs, legal fees, lost income from having to reduce work hours in the first few months, transportation costs, and long-term physical therapy). The absolute maximum I will ever be able to recover from my insurance will be $10,000 because, as I learned the hard way, your uninsured motorist policy falls under a different category than all your other coverage, and on my particular policy it had a low maximum payout, and no rental car re-reimbursement. The person who hit me also had no assets to speak of, so pursuing further legal action against her will lead to nothing but wasted time and money. All of these factors have moved me to do something I have never done in my entire life, and that is ask for help.

I’m a firm believer some of the biggest problems in society today are that people have a sense of entitlement, a lack of personal responsibility, and a love of playing the ‘victim’ – and every single day I try to make sure I don’t fall into any of those traps. I am ideologically opposed to asking for a hand-out, and it took the firm convincing of some dear friends just to take the leap and make this GoFundMe in the first place. I am aware that I live a life of privilege (even after the accident!) that most people in the world would gladly take, and that if I had looked deeper into my own car insurance policy when I set it up, or if I had health insurance, that I wouldn’t be in the problem that I am today. So, to that end, I am willing to work to dig myself out of this hole, and have designed a number of benefits to be available at different donation levels.

Please specify what you would like after you donate, and I will get back to you ASAP with an ETA. Artists and musicians who I already have plans to work with in the near future – please do not contribute to this fund, as I have already factored that into my needs. For those of you who are not musicians, I am open to suggestions for additional benefits/work I can perform, and most of my prior work experience is in copy-editing and writing, PR, and resume optimization. If you wish to contribute but do not want anything in return, I am humbled, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This entire experience has been grueling, but perhaps most of all, humbling. Anybody who has ever known me knows that I am fiercely independent and ambitious, and for a guy like me, admitting that I need help might actually be harder than any other part of this whole ordeal. I know now that what truly will give me the strength to get through all of this is the support of friends, and, like everyone else, I am nothing without other people.

I love you all
