It's always a pleasure when I get to talk to my good friend and inspirational polymath Rocco Jarman. Today we will be exploring the ideas in his latest book: “The Hearth & The Well”.

“Our whole modern world is a busy place of processes and cold interfaces, none of which are designed with the human soul in mind.  We think we are struggling with poor mental health, without realizing it is actually a form of poor mental health.” 

Rocco’s latest book: 

Rocco’s substack: 

0.00:    Rocco’s ideas that culminated in writing his third book

5.45:    When inputs exceed our throughputs

14.00:  Symbolism of the Heart and the Well

26.45:  Craft and Calling vs a “profession”

37.00:  Merging old Religious texts and Science through poetry

46.31:  The power of jiujitsu as a “rite of passage” for young men

54.20: How to become your own teacher

1.00.19: How to shape your past for a better future 


Until next time, love and good vibes.  

Check out the latest episode here:

Apple Podcast: 
