We are back for another great interview in our Entelechy Series, with Phil Johnson https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipjpjohnson/

In today’s episode, we talk about emotional intelligence. World Economic Forum defines it as one of the top 10 must-have skills that will enable us as individuals & businesses to embrace change and raise our consciousness. 

Our guest today is Phil Johnson, He is the founder & CEO of Master of Business Leadership (MBL) Program, an executive coach, a teacher & mentor, a lecturer & keynote Speaker, a Podcast Co-Host, and a revenue growth career advancement coach.  

Phil was born with dyslexia, therefore he had difficulty trying to spell, read, and occasionally hear. It caused him to re-arrange words and numbers in his mind. As a result, he had to rely more on his intuition, which helped him to get greater insight into himself and other people. After the death of his mother at age of 14,  he decided he wanted to change his life.  He became this super overachiever and ended up spending 20 years in the semiconductor industry, finishing as an executive. After 20 years in the industry, Phil realized that there was a huge need to change humanity's trajectory to change the way we did things and the way we do things. That motivated him to create the Master of Business leadership Program. 

What is Emotional Intelligence and what does it look like? Its benefits are that it reduces the drama and chaos both within the individual and around the individual, You become less resistive, less judgemental, less attached to outcomes, and that enables you to see an individual and see ourselves for who we really are, thereby making leaders more trusted and inspirational. 

What is the ROI on applying higher consciousness and market valuation to organizations and businesses? We're at the very start of the development of a multitrillion-dollar industry because of the tsunami of change we're facing in the development of our emotional intelligence. Isn't a solution to the challenges we face. It's the only solution to the challenges we face.

Both our educational system and employment have failed humanity in that they focused on the development,-Not the development, but the enhancement of our intellectual ability. These structures did very little to develop our emotional intelligence and really our IQ and EQ are meant to work together. 

Not everybody's born with a high IQ but anybody can develop their emotional intelligence since It's an experiential process. People aren't born with emotional intelligence it's developed.

You've developed this kind of five-part teaching and coaching program for executives that, that begins or applies that consciousness first to the root cause and analysis that says, where are we? Why does that kind of start with authenticity and understanding and truth-telling from the executive's point of view?

If you’re wondering where to begin on your own path of Emotional Intelligence, you can start with developing an emotional connection to a vision of some desired result you want to achieve. 

That emotional connection becomes the fuel for the journey. You must have a desire to achieve some outcome that's greater than your fear of leaving your comfort zone. Because the development of emotional intelligence is an experiential process, rather than an intellectual process. You can only really connect the dots in hindsight after you've taken the leap of faith. It always requires an initial leap of faith based on a vision of the desired result that's motivating you to take action.

In conclusion, When it comes to people willing to work on their emotional intelligence, age,  geography, industry, race, or culture are not factors. Emotional intelligence depends on where an individual is

We are back for another great interview in our Entelechy Series, with Phil Johnson https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipjpjohnson/

In today’s episode, we talk about emotional intelligence. World Economic Forum defines it as one of the top 10 must-have skills that will enable us as individuals & businesses to embrace change and raise our consciousness. 

Our guest today is Phil Johnson, He is the founder & CEO of Master of Business Leadership (MBL) Program, an executive coach, a teacher & mentor, a lecturer & keynote Speaker, a Podcast Co-Host, and a revenue growth career advancement coach.  

Phil was born with dyslexia, therefore he had difficulty trying to spell, read, and occasionally hear. It caused him to re-arrange words and numbers in his mind. As a result, he had to rely more on his intuition, which helped him to get greater insight into himself and other people. After the death of his mother at age of 14,  he decided he wanted to change his life.  He became this super overachiever and ended up spending 20 years in the semiconductor industry, finishing as an executive. After 20 years in the industry, Phil realized that there was a huge need to change humanity's trajectory to change the way we did things and the way we do things. That motivated him to create the Master of Business leadership Program. 

What is Emotional Intelligence and what does it look like? Its benefits are that it reduces the drama and chaos both within the individual and around the individual, You become less resistive, less judgemental, less attached to outcomes, and that enables you to see an individual and see ourselves for who we really are, thereby making leaders more trusted and inspirational. 

What is the ROI on applying higher consciousness and market valuation to organizations and businesses? We're at the very start of the development of a multitrillion-dollar industry because of the tsunami of change we're facing in the development of our emotional intelligence. Isn't a solution to the challenges we face. It's the only solution to the challenges we face.

Both our educational system and employment have failed humanity in that they focused on the development,-Not the development, but the enhancement of our intellectual ability. These structures did very little to develop our emotional intelligence and really our IQ and EQ are meant to work together. 

Not everybody's born with a high IQ but anybody can develop their emotional intelligence since It's an experiential process. People aren't born with emotional intelligence it's developed.

You've developed this kind of five-part teaching and coaching program for executives that, that begins or applies that consciousness first to the root cause and analysis that says, where are we? Why does that kind of start with authenticity and understanding and truth-telling from the executive's point of view?

If you’re wondering where to begin on your own path of Emotional Intelligence, you can start with developing an emotional connection to a vision of some desired result you want to achieve. 

That emotional connection becomes the fuel for the journey. You must have a desire to achieve some outcome that's greater than your fear of leaving your comfort zone. Because the development of emotional intelligence is an experiential process, rather than an intellectual process. You can only really connect the dots in hindsight after you've taken the leap of faith. It always requires an initial leap of faith based on a vision of the desired result that's motivating you to take action.

In conclusion, When it comes to people willing to work on their emotional intelligence, age,  geography, industry, race, or culture are not factors. Emotional intelligence depends on where an individual is on their own journey.  While for leaders who want to identify  Emotional Intelligence, it's a behavior that can be recognized and is authentic throughout the world.

You can connect with Phil at 

Company Website: Master of Business Leadership

LinkedIn:  Phil Johnson

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