We're introducing Sabrina Osso on Entelechy Leadership Stories this week! Sabrina is the Founder and CEO of OSSO Safe, a company that is working on combining education with technology to create safer home, school, and work places. Her amazing company focuses on educating, training, and creating advocates to better recognize the signs of domestic violence - and to help prevent it.


As a victim who grew up in an abusive home, Sabrina's background has largely influenced her desire to create a company that positively impacts people's lives. Her goal is to shift the responsibility of addressing domestic violence off of the victim and onto the institutions these victims are in, such as schools, workplaces, and landlords.

Sabrina mentions in the interview some staggering workplace statistics: “There are 2 million incidents of workplace violence that occur each and every year in the United States. That comes out to be about 33,000 per week, and of those, about 17 results in a murder. That’s just in the workplace.”

If this is just reported violence in the workplace, clearly there's a much larger issue at hand.


Sabrina decided early on that she didn't want to be another non-profit working to help domestic violence victims - she wanted to be an advocate that created solutions for victims in hopes of preventing abuse before it starts.

From workplace and school safety trainings and seminars to revolutionizing the real estate industry with innovative technologies to assess, monitor, and educate landlords and tenants on domestic violence in the home - OSSO Safe is tackling it all. Listen to the full podcast to learn more about what Sabrina's company is doing to truly make a difference in domestic violence situations, and what the future generation of Entelechy Leaders can do to support this cause.

Topics Discussed:02:25  - A discussion about the increase of domestic violence in the home during the pandemic, why we are seeing this uptick, and the importance of having a support system in your home.06:27 - The roles and responsibilities of others to create safe environments at home, in the workplace, and in schools - and how to be aware of these issues.08:48 - Why everyone is essential in working to make all homes safe and free of domestic violence. 09:37 - Sabrina discusses why her company focuses on training schools and workplaces on identifying violence.11:10 - Addressing statistics on violence in homes and the workplace in the United States annually.13:56 - For many years, the institutions that were designed to recognize violence and protect people living through those traumas were failing. Are they changing?15:33 - Sabrina delves into the OSSO Safe Certification, the OSSO Safe Home Sweet Home Package, and being an OSSO Safe Property - some innovative tools and policies that her company is implementing in the real estate industry to protect victims.17:42 - The second level of certification involves an app that detects domestic violence in rental properties to prevent “he said, she said” situations.21:52 - Understanding why Sabrina called her Ted X “If You’re a Victim of Home Violence, Don’t Leave...Stay.”26:27 - Elevating passion and personal experiences to the business level.30:37 - Sabrina closes the podcast with words of wisdom as an Entelechy Leader to other Entelechy Leaders.
Resources:Connect with Sabrina on

We're introducing Sabrina Osso on Entelechy Leadership Stories this week! Sabrina is the Founder and CEO of OSSO Safe, a company that is working on combining education with technology to create safer home, school, and work places. Her amazing company focuses on educating, training, and creating advocates to better recognize the signs of domestic violence - and to help prevent it.


As a victim who grew up in an abusive home, Sabrina's background has largely influenced her desire to create a company that positively impacts people's lives. Her goal is to shift the responsibility of addressing domestic violence off of the victim and onto the institutions these victims are in, such as schools, workplaces, and landlords.

Sabrina mentions in the interview some staggering workplace statistics: “There are 2 million incidents of workplace violence that occur each and every year in the United States. That comes out to be about 33,000 per week, and of those, about 17 results in a murder. That’s just in the workplace.”

If this is just reported violence in the workplace, clearly there's a much larger issue at hand.


Sabrina decided early on that she didn't want to be another non-profit working to help domestic violence victims - she wanted to be an advocate that created solutions for victims in hopes of preventing abuse before it starts.

From workplace and school safety trainings and seminars to revolutionizing the real estate industry with innovative technologies to assess, monitor, and educate landlords and tenants on domestic violence in the home - OSSO Safe is tackling it all. Listen to the full podcast to learn more about what Sabrina's company is doing to truly make a difference in domestic violence situations, and what the future generation of Entelechy Leaders can do to support this cause.

Topics Discussed:02:25  - A discussion about the increase of domestic violence in the home during the pandemic, why we are seeing this uptick, and the importance of having a support system in your home.06:27 - The roles and responsibilities of others to create safe environments at home, in the workplace, and in schools - and how to be aware of these issues.08:48 - Why everyone is essential in working to make all homes safe and free of domestic violence. 09:37 - Sabrina discusses why her company focuses on training schools and workplaces on identifying violence.11:10 - Addressing statistics on violence in homes and the workplace in the United States annually.13:56 - For many years, the institutions that were designed to recognize violence and protect people living through those traumas were failing. Are they changing?15:33 - Sabrina delves into the OSSO Safe Certification, the OSSO Safe Home Sweet Home Package, and being an OSSO Safe Property - some innovative tools and policies that her company is implementing in the real estate industry to protect victims.17:42 - The second level of certification involves an app that detects domestic violence in rental properties to prevent “he said, she said” situations.21:52 - Understanding why Sabrina called her Ted X “If You’re a Victim of Home Violence, Don’t Leave...Stay.”26:27 - Elevating passion and personal experiences to the business level.30:37 - Sabrina closes the podcast with words of wisdom as an Entelechy Leader to other Entelechy Leaders.
Resources:Connect with Sabrina on Linkedin.Follow Sabrina on Twitter.Check out her Facebook.Follow on InstagramVisit Osso Safe to learn more!To learn more, watch her Ted X: "If You're a Victim of Home Violence, Don't Leave...Stay."
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