Previous Episode: Farm From A Box

In this engaging interview, Brandi DeCarli passionately shares her company's mission and her personal purpose: to revolutionize local food production and enable communities around the world to grow their own nutritious food with clean technology.


The Mission

The mission of Farm From A Box is to encourage and enable people to start and maintain their own healthy food production. By providing water pumping mechanisms, a cold-storage unit, WIFI connection for “remote farming,” etc., Farm from a Box provides resources for people around the globe to grow their own sustainable food source in an environmentally-friendly way. Farm from a Box tool kits are designed to overcome climatic challenges, allowing growers to sustain food production year-round. 

Benefits of Farm From A Box

The object of Farm From A Box is benefitting the person and the planet. Farm from a Box enables health, sustenance, nutrition, community, connection to the land, and conscious eating. By utilizing Farm from a Box, one can live a healthier, “greener” life. From any country, this company provides the tools and the education necessary to reduce malnutrition to those in deprived areas, along with reconnecting with your roots and forming a new connection to nature.

Food is Medicine

As the world slowly becomes more health-conscious, some hospitals have begun growing their own food or utilizing local farmers instead of providing patients with over-processed or manufactured foods. In most hospitals today, overweight patients, instead of being advised to correct their diet, are given prescriptions. 


In creating Farm from a Box, DeCarli faced the main challenge of overcoming all of the variables of outdoor agriculture. In order to resource growers in different locations, climates, soil, etc., DeCarli had to find a way to make an adaptive took kit that would benefit every grower in every part of the world. While this system had to be adaptive to location, it also has to conform to individual locations’ policies, such as solar panel restrictions, growing policies, etc.

Maintaining the Mission

DeCarli suggests getting to know local farmers. By getting to know them, you can utilize them and ask them how you could help to support their efforts. You can also support DeCarli’s mission by taking a stand against processed food in hospitals and schools, urging facilities like these to make the healthy change. Making a change is about personal sacrifices, following your gut, and overcoming obstacles.

"Every person should have access to healthy, nutrient-rich food and every farmer should be able to provide for themselves and their community in a safe, environmentally beneficial way. Food production is about more than just growing crops — it provides independence, opportunity, and a way to reconnect with the food we eat," Brandi says.

You've got to see the FARM FROM A BOX for yourself.

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