This episode’s guest is Rhino Julie, the founder of the camp, Rhino Gyms, and creator of the concept of the Camp Rhino. 

Julie tells us about how leaders need body, mind, and soul. So when we think of Camp Rhino and gyms we think about taking care of the body. However, she has found a way to go beyond just this. Julie tells us about how she used to abuse her body with excessive exercise, eating whatever she wanted, and not prioritizing her health. 

She needed to be an example for the gym so she needed to lose weight but didn’t like to work out or eat healthily. She realized that by going into the fitness world she would have something to hold her accountable. And that’s how she started. But focusing on weight loss only proved to be detrimental to her mental and physical health. Now Julie meditates and feels like she’s come full cycle and can really embody the things she never thought she would: mind, body, and spirit. 

Meditating vs. Working out

To some people, sitting cross-legged on the floor feels like an even harder task than going to the gym. Being calmed and quiet can be very hard. But why? Julie tells us that this is likely because we don’t want to sit alone without thoughts. We’re afraid of what might come up, what past trauma may come to the surface. But she was able to find and like a type of meditation that wasn’t quite like the others she had done before. She prefers to simply sit in her window and look out while she thinks about whatever comes to her mind and doesn’t put a time limit to it. Then she does free writing and after that, she reads her book. That’s her form of meditation and that’s what has worked for her mental health. 

How mind, body, and spirit connection helps with physical goals

Julie is a very caring person, she would care so much for people that she would be very aggressive about wanting to help them fix whatever they wanted to fix about themselves. Now, thanks to her connection with mind, body, and spirit she can be more present. She enjoys the processes, she sits and listens, and then she looks into the person’s eyes and focuses on the moment itself and not on the actions that person needs to perform to achieve their goals. Presence was such an underrated and unknown thing for Julie and now it has become one of the core values for her company. 

From something you love to a business

When asked about when did Camp Rhino began to actually a full-on organization, Julie spoke about Scott who is an amazing gym owner in Florida. She had seen him do it and felt inspired. She knew she had worked on this for a long time and that after years of personal journey, she wanted to lose weight so he started a fitness company to help herself. Then she realized that weight loss is not the end of all issues.  There are things in our minds that need to work through as well. 

And then she started the Rhino Life Challenge as she was trying to lead people in the group through these positive transformations that had to do with the mind and spirit. It is all-important. So then she decided not to go through the motions of everything but rather create a program that aligned with her beliefs. 

She also understands that some people may gain the weight back because they don’t know how to keep it off or maybe they had a trauma response. There are things mentally and spiritually that also need to be worked through so that they can change their hardest non-healthy habits. 

Read more about Rhino Julie at

And don’t forget to actually check her programs so you can have an idea of how it impacts and changes their lives.