Welcome back everyone to our podcast. We are pumped up for today's episode with Bill O'Herron.

Bill wears a myriad of hats including:  corporate executive involved in the capital markets, investments, and real estate; a practicing therapist; and an author. All this experience can be summarized as 33 years of financial experience, 24 years of marriage, 15 years of counseling. And he says 8,500 hours of sitting quietly and listening to other people.  

Bill talks to us about conscious leadership in business, vulnerability, humility in business, secrets of a great leader, and being able to hold space for someone so as to create harmony in your life.  

Bill shares some of the lessons he has learned in conscious leadership in business. For a leader to be successful in all their relationships including business relationships, one needs to learn how to control themselves.  How people feel,  determines how they behave therefore how they react. Successfully controlling this aspect, the result is leaders and individuals who can drive productivity and growth in their teams if they feel engaged and whole.  Leadership is about understanding where you are in that moment. If you don't understand where you are at that moment, you will not know where you are going, you will ot know where your partner is, where your Billion-dollar client is, where your $10 client is, etc. Knowing oneself is the only way to self engaging the universe.When you as a leader know yourself, you also know your value systems, you know, your structures, you create your north star leading to you and your teams’ success. Bill talks about "Vitamin V" - vulnerability, and how to be vulnerable in business, your relationships, your family, and those you meet along your path.Humility in the business world is a powerful tool because when you're humble and honest, the other person's going to start sharing more stuff. The concept of standing in the fire when you are in the heat of battle, and pressures and emotions run high whether it’s at work or in your relationships. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Bill's Website: Whole Counselling 

Bill's Book on Amazon: Waking Up Marriage 



Despite everyone being different, yet the same, every religion is different yet the same, all cultures being different yet the same, we are all trying to figure out who we are, what our purpose in life is, but all in all who we are as human beings. 


Bill O’Herron, LCSW is a corporate executive, practicing therapist (weekends and evenings), and writer who seeks to use his 33 years of financial sales management experience, 24 years of marriage, 15 years of counseling clients, and 8,500 hours of sitting quietly to help his clients better understand themselves and deepen their relationships.

Bill teaches that all our relationships with others, especially our marriage, started in 4th grade, when our limbic-emotional body learned, absorbed, and inherited our parents’ lives and experiences. We are all therefore married to our own old, unconscious emotions more so than to our spouse.

His research shows that relationships fail for one single reason: a lack of understanding of one’s own emotions and reaction patterns created in childhood. His work with archetypes demonstrates also that relationships are not a single experience or dyad between two people but are eight unique...

Welcome back everyone to our podcast. We are pumped up for today's episode with Bill O'Herron.

Bill wears a myriad of hats including:  corporate executive involved in the capital markets, investments, and real estate; a practicing therapist; and an author. All this experience can be summarized as 33 years of financial experience, 24 years of marriage, 15 years of counseling. And he says 8,500 hours of sitting quietly and listening to other people.  

Bill talks to us about conscious leadership in business, vulnerability, humility in business, secrets of a great leader, and being able to hold space for someone so as to create harmony in your life.  

Bill shares some of the lessons he has learned in conscious leadership in business. For a leader to be successful in all their relationships including business relationships, one needs to learn how to control themselves.  How people feel,  determines how they behave therefore how they react. Successfully controlling this aspect, the result is leaders and individuals who can drive productivity and growth in their teams if they feel engaged and whole.  Leadership is about understanding where you are in that moment. If you don't understand where you are at that moment, you will not know where you are going, you will ot know where your partner is, where your Billion-dollar client is, where your $10 client is, etc. Knowing oneself is the only way to self engaging the universe.When you as a leader know yourself, you also know your value systems, you know, your structures, you create your north star leading to you and your teams’ success. Bill talks about "Vitamin V" - vulnerability, and how to be vulnerable in business, your relationships, your family, and those you meet along your path.Humility in the business world is a powerful tool because when you're humble and honest, the other person's going to start sharing more stuff. The concept of standing in the fire when you are in the heat of battle, and pressures and emotions run high whether it’s at work or in your relationships. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Bill's Website: Whole Counselling 

Bill's Book on Amazon: Waking Up Marriage 



Despite everyone being different, yet the same, every religion is different yet the same, all cultures being different yet the same, we are all trying to figure out who we are, what our purpose in life is, but all in all who we are as human beings. 


Bill O’Herron, LCSW is a corporate executive, practicing therapist (weekends and evenings), and writer who seeks to use his 33 years of financial sales management experience, 24 years of marriage, 15 years of counseling clients, and 8,500 hours of sitting quietly to help his clients better understand themselves and deepen their relationships.

Bill teaches that all our relationships with others, especially our marriage, started in 4th grade, when our limbic-emotional body learned, absorbed, and inherited our parents’ lives and experiences. We are all therefore married to our own old, unconscious emotions more so than to our spouse.

His research shows that relationships fail for one single reason: a lack of understanding of one’s own emotions and reaction patterns created in childhood. His work with archetypes demonstrates also that relationships are not a single experience or dyad between two people but are eight unique relationships all occurring at the same time.

Three key concepts he uses to accelerate clients' work are Stand in the Fire, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics at Home, and Relatus. These three concepts provide direct access to understanding self.

He celebrates in and humorously expounds on the belief that working on self, which will automatically improve the dynamics of all our relationships, is the most important thing in life, and that what we do right now in our relationship echoes through posterity, changing who our grandchildren’s children become.

 Bill graduated from Middlebury College, VT with a BA in English, and earned a Master of Science degree from Columbia University School of Social Work, NY in ’03.