Previous Episode: Pursuit of Peace
Next Episode: Mind the Mind

In this episode, we discuss the power, benefits, and operations of meekness. 

Additional points to ponder:

Meekness is one of the fruit of the Spirit that often gets lost in today's culture due to our aggressive, self-centered society.Meekness is essentially an attitude or quality of heart whereby a person is willing to accept and submit without resistance to the will and desire of someone else. In the case of Christians, this is God.Meekness is a controlled strength that puts everything in the hands of God. It is founded on a trust of the Lord, and it always denies self. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Persons of Interest:

Moses- Numbers 12:1

David- II Samuel 16:5-14, 19:16-23

Jesus-Matthew 11:29,  27:41-44, Isaiah 53:7

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