We sat down with the lovely and brilliant Deborah A. Macey, a communications scholar currently teaching at the University of Portland, to talk about her paper, Ancient Archetypes in Modern Media: A Comparative Analysis of Golden Girls, Living Single, and Sex & The City.  In this interview, our new pal Debbie regales us with how she came up with her dissertation topic and how she went about assigning each of the girls to their designated archetype, a challenge considering how much "slippage" there is between the fab four. 

PS. For all those cold Saturday nights when you're looking to curl up with a good book, these are the works Debbie cites in the interview: 

Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture  by Julia T. Wood 
Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes in Women's Lives by Jean Shinoda Bolen 
The Goddess: Mythological Images of the Feminine by Christine Downing 
The Implied Spider: Politics & Theology in Myth by Wendy Doniger