Kevin Shird traveled from Baltimore to Montgomery, Alabama, to meet 84-year-old Nelson Malden. In Malden's barbershop, leaders of the civil rights movement, including Martin Luther King, Jr., gathered to organize protests and boycotts and to write the speeches that would help criminalize racial segregation and discrimination.

Shird and Malden talked about the significance of recent racially motivated events and how the demonstrations in Charlottesville, Ferguson, Baltimore and around the country help us understand today's second-wave civil rights movement and the urgent actions necessary for racial equality and change.

Kevin Shird is an activist, national youth advocate, public speaker and author of two previous books: Lessons of Redemption and Uprising in the City. Marc Steiner, radio and podcast host, will moderate the conversation with Kevin Shird.

Writers LIVE programs are supported in part by The Miss Howard Hubbard Adult Programming Fund.

Recorded On: Tuesday, April 17, 2018