Meg Eden's work has been published in various magazines, including Rattle, Drunken Boat, Poet Lore, and Gargoyle. She teaches at the University of Maryland. She has four poetry chapbooks, and her novel Post-High School Reality Quest is forthcoming from California Coldblood, an imprint of Rare Bird Lit. Check out her work at

Horseman and poet Barrett Warner is the author of Why Is It So Hard to Kill You? (Somondoco, 2016) and My Friend Ken Harvey (Publishing Genius, 2014). He is a 2016 recipient of an Individual Artist Award from the Maryland Arts Council, and his other awards include the Cloudbank poetry prize, the Tucson Book Festival essay prize, and the Salamander fiction prize. He lives on a farm in Maryland where he also edits Free State Review and serves as acquisitions editor for Galileo Books.

Read "Tohoku Ghost Stories" by Meg Eden.
Read "Twins" by Barrett Warner.

Recorded On: Tuesday, November 15, 2016