Celebrate Women's History Month as celeste doaks, Lady Brion, and DaMaris Hill read selections and talk about their work. Hosted by Carla Du Pree, Executive Director of CityLit Project.

Poet and journalist celeste doaks is the author of Cornrows and Cornfields. Most recently, she is the editor of the poetry anthology Not Without Our Laughter. Her newest poems appear in Misrepresented People: Poetic Responses to Trump’s America Anthology. She is University of Delaware’s Visiting Assistant Professor in Creative Writing for 2017-2019, and the recipient of a 2017 Rubys Literary Arts Grant Award. For more visit www.doaksgirl.com or check out the podcast she co-hosts called Lit!Pop!Bang! on ITunes.

Brion Gill b.k.a. Lady Brion is an international spoken word artist, poetry coach, activist, organizer, and educator. She is the 2016 National Poetry Slam Champion and 2017 Southern Fried Regional Slam Champion. She received her BA in Communications from Howard University and her MFA in Creative Writing and Publishing Design from the University of Baltimore. She is the author of the written & spoken word project —With My Head Unbowed, an aural-literary experience. She currently sits on the board of DewMore Baltimore and is the cultural curator for Baltimore’s grassroots think tank, Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle.

Dr. DaMaris Hill is a writer and academic. Her books include The Fluid Boundaries of Suffrageand Jim Crow: Staking Claims in the Heartland and \ Vi-zəbəl \ \ Teks-chərs \ (Visible Textures), a collection of poems. Dr. Hill currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and African American and Africana Studies at the University of Kentucky. Her latest book, A Bound Woman is a Dangerous Thing, is a powerful collection of poetry about black women in bondage, each poem dedicated to a woman who has been literally incarcerated, bound by oppression, or who forced the limits that society placed on her.

Presented in partnership with CityLit Project.

Writers LIVE programs are supported in part by a bequest from The Miss Howard Hubbard Adult Programming Fund.

Recorded On: Thursday, March 14, 2019