Master the intricacies of the bond market in our riveting discussion with bond expert, Mr. Keith Lante. We'll guide you through the complex world of supply and demand, shed light on the federal budget deficit's influence on bond supply, and the implications of decreased capital gains due to tax cuts. The conversation takes an insightful turn as we scrutinize the impact of heightened government expenditures on social security, health benefits, and defense on the bond markets, bridging into the inherent volatility, risks, and opportunities that come with fixed income investment.

In the latter half of our discourse, we pivot our attention to the Treasury's borrowing estimates, refunding news, and their prospective bearing on the bond market. Mr. Lante offers a brilliant analysis of current yields across various markets including the Treasury market, high-grade corporate bonds, junk bonds, and Treasury inflation-protected securities. We further touch on international events including the Israeli forces' incursion into the Gaza Strip and comments from the Iranian President. As we reach the end of our enlightening journey, we consider the opportunities offered by active management and individual securities investments versus ETFs in the fixed income market. So, tune in and gear up for a comprehensive and enlightening exploration of the bond market.

** For informational and educational purposes only, not intended as investment advice. Views and opinions are subject to change without notice.

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