Please join us as we welcome Joshua Bloom! Joshua is the #1 Best Selling Author of The Ultimate Answer …Is Inside™ with foreword written by World Renowned Scientist and Best Selling Author, Bruce Lipton, PH.D. Joshua is the host of the innovative and transformational Internet TV Show “Emotionally FreeTV”, and is also the Executive Producer […]

Please join us as we welcome Joshua Bloom! Joshua is the #1 Best Selling Author of The Ultimate Answer …Is Inside™ with foreword written by World Renowned Scientist and Best Selling Author, Bruce Lipton, PH.D. Joshua is the host of the innovative and transformational Internet TV Show “Emotionally FreeTV”, and is also the Executive Producer of the cutting edge film, “The Ultimate Answer …is Inside™”.

A master in many arenas, Joshua has developed his own modality called Quantum Energy Transformation™. This amazing process is geared towards helping empaths, intuitives and energy workers to go within themselves and access the healing of the Quantum Field.

This way of being is an innovative fusion of science and spirituality that involves 5 key stages of growth and
transformation: Connect, Allow, Open, Engage and Elevate. This serves as the roadmap to permanent change
that up-levels your reality to become confident and unstoppable.

In addition, Joshua has created a powerful library of additional programs; a way of being called Being
Quantum™, a transformation process called Age Clearing™, a reiki modality named Being Reiki™, and an allergy
elimination process called Quantum Allergy Release™.

Joshua does what most people consider to be impossible: He assists clients in completely releasing
ailments such as fibromyalgia, pain, anxiety, depression, allergies, eczema, rosacea and more. Additionally, he
trains students to transform themselves and help others do the same in his extraordinary “Come To The Edge” program.

To find out more about Joshua and his incredible offerings, please visit: