Do you ever feel overloaded and stressed out in your blended family?


It can be a very hard thing to control your schedule and so “No” to other people, so that you can say “Yes” to things that line up better for your family.


Tonia Choi joins us in this episode and shares how she discovered this “Ah-Ha” moment in her life and what she did to learn how to control her schedule with things that aligned better for her and her blended family. 


This has brought her family less stress and so much more peace, giving such a better atmosphere in her home. This will inspire you and give you more tips and ideas at how you can take back control of your schedule, and you and your family will enjoy the benefits that come from it.


You can follow Tonia on Instagram @kornbread.n.kimchi


You can get the book that inspired her here: FIND YOUR UNICORN SPACE by Eve Rodsky



E.N.J.O.Y. THE JOURNEY: A Blended Family Roadmap To Having Fun Together, A NEW WAY to have a great plan that will bring more fun in your home, building stronger connections and relationships, all while having more laughs and enjoyment as you make those lasting memories together.


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