One of the greatest challenges with being a parent in a blended family is trying to raise our children to be successful in life.


Margot Bisnow joins us in this episode to help define what success is and shares with us 10 rules that can help us be the support our kids need to achieve their dreams.


She has had her own career successes along with being an author, but has raised 2 sons that are following their passions and are very successful. 


In her book, RAISING AN ENTREPRENEUR, How To Help Your Children Achieve Their Dreams, she has interviewed many successful entrepreneurs of today and shared how their family gave them the ability to go after their dreams.


This interview is packed full of so many takeaways that can help us as parents be that support our kids need to guide them on their successful journey of life.


You can get your copy of Margot’s book by going here: RAISING AN ENTREPRENEUR, How To Help Your Children Achieve Their Dreams


Follow Margot on Instagram: @margotbisnow



E.N.J.O.Y. THE JOURNEY: A Blended Family Roadmap To Having Fun Together, A NEW WAY to have a great plan that will bring more fun in your home, building stronger connections and relationships, all while having more laughs and enjoyment as you make those lasting memories together.


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