No, this isn’t the movie with little Owen Wilson (aka Jedediah)!


Although that movie is hilarious, it does leave us with some great fun ideas where we can take our blended family and create some really awesome memories.


There are so many different types of museums that we hardly think about or know they’re there. We dive into 4 categories of museums and the different types that can bring some amazement to your family.


It’s a great way to expose your kids to interests that they may have, and have fun with it. 


We also share some ProTips to help make your night more cheap and memorable.




E.N.J.O.Y. THE JOURNEY: A Blended Family Roadmap To Having Fun Together, A NEW WAY to have more fun in your home that helps build stronger connections and relationships, all while having more laughs and enjoyment as you make those lasting memories together.


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