Previous Episode: 62. [FF] Axe Throwing
Next Episode: 64. [FF] Park Time

More Fun, More Joy, Less Problems!!!

It’s easy to always see the challenges in your blended family, but when you can shift your focus to having more fun with your family, you will see less problems.

We can do this by discovering our family’s common interests, then using those to create more opportunities to have fun together doing the things you love.

In this episode, we explain our E.N.J.O.Y. THE JOURNEY and how you can use that to have more fun in your family.


E.N.J.O.Y. THE JOURNEY: A Blended Family Roadmap To Having Fun Together, A NEW WAY to have more fun in your home that helps build stronger connections and relationships, all while having more laughs and enjoyment as you make those lasting memories together.


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