84 hours of screen time in just one week!!!

It can happen to us all, our scale between work and home-life can tilt out of balance. 

As blended families, we need that quality time together for our family relationships to flourish, but work can rob us from that time if we’re not careful. 

Our family should never get our leftovers.

We share these 3 ways you can help keep your work/life in check:

Prayer Limits and Boundaries Take a Sabbath

In this episode we share the struggles, but dive deeper into these three ways that can help overcome the imbalance so we make sure our family isn’t taking a backseat in our lives.


MOM’S QUICK GUIDE TO BLENDING HER STEPFAMILY, an easy 5-Step process that can add amazing results to your blended family, giving you the power to create the family you all love.


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