Being a biological daughter in a blended family with a stepdad, stepsister, and brother can be challenging.

Hear from our young adult daughter who faced these challenges growing up in this blended family dynamic, as Scarlett (her biological mother) asks her some tough questions that cause her to look back.

This episode gives you a look from the inside of a biological kid's perspective as she looks back on growing up in a blended family and how the dynamics of her and her mother's relationship were during the journey.

What did mom do right and what could mom have done better?

That’s just some questions asked. Our kids can always have a different perspective on things than we do. It’s powerful when we can learn from someone who has walked this journey and get their insights on what was hurtful and what was helpful.


ENJOY THE HOLIDAY CHALLENGE, 25 Days of Great Joy for Christmas (CLOSED FOR 2021)

This challenge is not about doing more for the holidays but doing more of what matters.

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