You’ve heard of Ice Breaker games that you play with people you don’t really know in order to have some laughs and get to know others a little better, right?


Sometimes our stepfamily can feel like we’re a bunch of strangers at times, and we can always use ways to break that ice. We have 5 fun Ice Breaker games that will get all of your kids out of the room and playing, and they are geared for a stepfamily.


We share what these 5 games look like, and how you can use them. You will discover more things that you all have in common when playing these games, so later on you can use those ideas to connect with each other on dates or hangouts. 


These games will leave your family having fun and laughing together.  


If you’d like a free copy of these games, we put them together in a pdf that you can keep and download or print them out. Whatever works better for you. We know the awesome impact these games can have on your family, that’s why we want to give it to you.


Get your free copy here: 



HOW TO ENJOY YOUR BLENDED FAMILY: 5 Dates To Discover Fun In Your Step-Family, by the end of these 5 dates you will have a great plan and see more fun in your home, helping build stronger family connections and relationships, all while having more laughs and enjoyment as you make lasting memories together.


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