How much time does your family spend outside?


There’s all kinds of studies that show the benefits to our health from being outdoors, yet most of us stay indoors almost all day.


If our mental and physical health can benefit from being outside, then let’s challenge our blended family to hang outside together more often. We give a breakdown to what this can look like for your family and the great things it can do for your relationships, along with how much fun your family will have with it.


We heard about this challenge from and loved the concept and the great things that it can do for any blended family out there.




HOW TO ENJOY YOUR BLENDED FAMILY: 5 Dates To Discover Fun In Your Step-Family, by the end of these 5 dates you will have a great plan and see more fun in your home, helping build stronger family connections and relationships, all while having more laughs and enjoyment as you make lasting memories together.

JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST, and get our FREE BLENDED FAMILY HANGOUT GUIDE today! We send out a weekly email on Friday mornings that are blended family specific; full of encouragement, support, and all of our latest information before anyone else hears about it. Join us today!!!


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