In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Rebecca Parsons, CTO of ThoughtWorks, about their recent report on the need for Courageous Leadership and her forthcoming book on Evolutionary Architecture.

Why listen to this podcast:
- Courageous leadership enables organisations to solve enterprise-scale problems while still allowing empowered development teams to produce software in an agile fashion
- The importance of making the link between technology advances and what they could mean for a business organisation, rather than seeing them in isolation
- If your metric is how many experiments succeed then you will not take enough risks – turn this around and celebrate the learning from failed experiments
- The need to truly put the customer at the centre our focus, understand the kind of relationship we want with customers and how we want to interact with them
- Create an environment where people are recognised and valued for their varied perspectives and recognise that good ideas can come from many different places
- Evolutionary architecture is based on the idea that things are changing so rapidly now that you can’t predict what changes will be needed in the future
- Innovations around databases, architecture and continuous delivery enable evolutionary architecture to be a real thing today