This is the Engineering Culture Podcast, from the people behind and the QCon conferences.

In this podcast recorded at QCon San Francisco 2016, Shane Hastie, InfoQ Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Amber Case, Cyborg Anthropologist.

Case explains why VR is an important step along the way to Augmented Reality, how technology needs to fit in with social norms, and why calm technology is so important.

Why listen to this podcast:

- We are all cyborgs now
- There is a clear sequence for a technology to be accepted in society, and trying to leapfrog the steps results in failure
- The value of calm technology to overcome the shock of so many devices competing for our attention in different ways
- The importance of security and safety in the always connected technology world
- The risks, downfalls and benefits of technology in human lives

Notes and links can be found on InfoQ:

1m:40s - Starting with VR to create new experiences and use them to learn about the potential of the new technologies

2m:00s - The importance of starting with a technology that fits in with the current social norms and expand slowly into new frontiers

2m:10s - The hype and excitement around AR made us forget the normal order – get VR working well first then move on to AR

2m:55s - The value of games as a way to socialise the new technologies

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