In this podcast Shane Hastie, InfoQ Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Alexandre Freire Kawakami, a Director at Industrial Logic about his talk Enabling Awesome Engineering Teams, the ideas behind Modern Agile and the importance of feedback loops and real usage data for product development.

Why listen to this podcast:

- Overview of his talk on enabling awesome engineering teamsThe contradiction between values-driven and process-driven change
- Modern Agile is designed to help people and organisations get over the process obsession
- Working software is not enough – achieving better outcomes for customers is what’s important
- By having analytics and usage data available we can learn what works and what doesn’t and make better decisions

Notes and links can be found on InfoQ:

6m:15s - Modern agile is about a community sharing ideas and stories about working towards four principles:

Deliver value continuously
Make people awesome
Experiment and learn rapidly
Make safety a prerequisite
6m:40s - Some techniques which can help achieve these values, depending on the culture fit

7m:25s - The benefits of single piece flow

8m:10s - The importance of safety to make experimentation and learning possible

9m:40s - It’s about building a community- not selling ideas

9m:55s - Some practices which can be taught

10m:22s - Not all organisations want to change at the same rate and to the same extent, and that’s OK

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