Sales leader and friend of Energy4Sales podcast, Andrew Warf, joins David & Tim to dive into where follow-up in the sales process really begins; and, how to do it effectively.

Andrew shares that research ahead of time is necessary, but the visit is NOT a sales pitch, it's an INTERVIEW! Making the connection is key here: discovering what really motivates a person and makes them tick! Also, finding common ground!

Curiosity is the #1 tool, or as David calls it, an "art", that you can leverage to build deep relationships! Team selling is critical as you discover ways to add value collectively — and tee-ing up internal introductions when there’s a better personality fit.

Andrew challenges us to ask questions that get them to open up about something you didn't know or plan on. Know your subject matter well enough, do your research, and go in confidently!

Identify with them what would be the best time to follow-up, and how? Then, the next step is as simple as, “Hey, during our last conversation, you mentioned ABC ... here's what I found out for you.” Pro Tip: use your CRM! In fact, email them a recap what was discussed and how and when you'll follow-up.

Andrew states, “Confidence is knowing you have the RESOURCES as well as the ability to connect people with those resources - and being humble enough to say, ‘I don't know, but I know who does’!"

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